Halpern, D., Valenzuela, S., & Katz, J. E. We Face, I Tweet: How Different Social Media Influence Political Participation through Collective and Personal Efficacy. (2017). Journal of Computer Mediated Communication [ISI journal]

Halpern, D. (2017) How social media triggers collective efficacy through deliberation? An experiment from the field. International Journal of Communication [ISI journal]

Halpern, D. Piña, M. & Vásquez, J. (2017) Loneliness, personal and social well-being: Towards a conceptualization of the effects of cyberbullying.  Culture & Education [ISI journal]

Halpern, D. & Katz, J.E. (2017). Texting’s consequences for romantic relationships: A cross lagged analysis highlights its risks. Computers in Human Behavior, 71, 386-394. [ISI journal]

Valenzuela, S., Correa, T., & Gil de Zúñiga, H. (2017). Ties, likes and tweets: Using strong and weak ties to explain differences in protest participation across Facebook and Twitter use. Political Communication. Advance online publication. [ISI journal]

Valenzuela, S., Puente, S., & Flores, P. M. (2017). Comparing disaster news on Twitter and television: An intermedia agenda setting perspective. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 61, 615-637. [ISI journal]

Valenzuela, S., Piña, M., & Ramírez, J. (2017). Behavioral effects of framing on social media users: How conflict, economic, human interest, and morality frames drive news sharing. Journal of Communication, 67, 803-826. [ISI journal]

Halpern, D. Katz, J.E. & Carril, C. (2016). The online ideal persona vs. the jealousy effect: Two explanations of why selfies are associated with lower-quality romantic relationships. Telematics and Informatics, 34,1,114-123. [ISI journal]

Halpern, D., Valenzuela, S., & Katz, J. E. (2016). “Selfie-ists” or “narci-selfiers”?: A cross-lagged panel analysis of selfie taking and narcissism. Personality and Individual Differences, 97, 98-101. [ISI journal]

Hilbert, M., Vásquez, J., Halpern, D., Valenzuela, S., & Arriagada, E. (2016). One-step, two-step, network-step? Complementary perspectives on communication flows in Twittered citizen protests. Social Science Computer Review. [ISI journal]

Caron, A.H & Halpern, D. (2016). To Glass or Not to Glass: A Study on Attitudes towards a Wearable Device. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Communication, 11,2, 1-17. [Scopus]

Halpern, D., Quintas-Froufe, N., & Fernández-Medina, F. (2016). Interactions between television and its social audience: Towards a communication conceptualization. El profesional de la información25(3), 1699-2407. [ISI journal]

Valenzuela, S., & Bachmann, I., & Aguilar, M. (2016). Socialized for news media use: How family communication, information-processing needs, and gratifications determine adolescents’ exposure to news. Communication Research. Advance online publication. [ISI journal]

Valenzuela, S., Somma, N., Scherman, A., & Arriagada, A. (2016). Social media in Latin America: Deepening or bridging gaps in protest participation? Online Information Review, 40, 695-711. [ISI journal]


Gil de Zúñiga, H., Valenzuela, S., & Weeks, B. (2016). Motivations for political discussion: Antecedents and consequences on civic participation. Human Communication Research, 42, 533-552. [ISI journal]

Valenzuela, S., & Chernov, G. (2016). Explicating the values-issue consistency hypothesis through need for orientation. Canadian Journal of Communication, 41, 49-64.

Halpern, D., Oh, K. E., Tremaine, M., Chiang, J., Bemis, K., & Silver, D. (2015). Learning Visualization Strategies: A qualitative investigation. International Journal of Science Education37(18), 3038-3065. [ISI journal]

Katz, J. E., & Halpern, D. (2015). Can Virtual Museums Motivate Students? Toward a Constructivist Learning Approach, Journal of Science Education and Technology, 24(6), 776-788 [ISI journal]

Oh, K., Halpern, D., Tremaine, M., Chiang, J., Silver, D. & Bemis, K. (2015). Blocked: When the information is hidden by the visualization, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 67(5), 1033-1051. [ISI journal]

Halpern, D., Pena-y-Lillo, M., Goic, F., Reinoso-Aguilo, A., Figueroa-Zepeda, C., & Troncoso-Leiva, A. (2015). Self-diagnosis and online health information seekers: the Chilean case. El profesional de la información, 24(5), 621-629. [ISI journal]

Valenzuela, S., & Bachmann, I. (2015). Pride, anger and cross-cutting talk: A three-country study of emotions and disagreement in informal political discussions. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 27, 544-564. [ISI journal]

Valenzuela, S., & Brandão, A. S. (2015). Historical dramas, current political choices: Analyzing partisan selective exposure with a docudrama. Mass Communication and Society, 18, 449-470. [ISI journal]

Scherman, A., Arriagada, A., & Valenzuela, S. (2015). Student and environmental protests in Chile: The role of social media. Politics, 35, 151-171. [ISI journal]

Valenzuela, S., Halpern, D., & Katz, J. E. (2014). Social network sites, marriage well-being and divorce: Survey and state-level evidence from the United States. Computers in Human Behavior36, 94-101. [ISI journal]

Katz, J.E. & Halpern, D. (2014). Attitudes toward robots suitability for various jobs as affected robot appearance. Behaviour & Information Technology, 33,9, 941-53. [ISI journal]

Halpern, D. (2014). Mass Media. In M.T Gibbons, D. Coole & E. Ellis (Eds.). The Encyclopedia of Political Thought. Wiley-Blackwell.

Valenzuela, S., Arriagada, A., & Scherman, A. (2014). Facebook, Twitter and youth engagement: A quasi-experimental study of social media use and protest behavior using propensity score matching. International Journal of Communication, 8, 2046–2070. [ISI journal]

Halpern, D. & Gibbs, J. (2013). Social media as a catalyst for online deliberation? Exploring the affordances of Facebook and YouTube for political expression. Computers in Human Behavior, 29; 3, 1159–1168. [ISI journal]

Katz, J.E. & Halpern, D. (2013). Political and Developmental Correlates of Social Media Participation in Government: A Global Survey of National Leadership Websites. International Journal of Public Administration, 36, 1, 1-15. [ISI journal]

Halpern, D. & Katz, J.E (2013). Close but not stuck: Understanding social distance in human-robot interaction through a computer mediation approach. Intervalla: Platform for intellectual exchange, 1, 17-35. [ISI journal]

Halpern, D., Rosenberg, A. & Arriagada, E. (2013). Who are those Green Guys?: Understanding Online Activism in Chile from a Communicational Perspective. Palabra Clave, 16(3), 729-759. [Scopus]

Valenzuela, S. (2013). Unpacking the use of social media for protest behavior: The roles of information, opinion expression, and activism. American Behavioral Scientist, 57, 920-942. [ISI journal]

Halpern, D., Rashid, N. & Ki, S. (2012). Towards a Social Network e-Government Agenda? Measuring Participation 2.0 in the Arab World. In Proceedings of the ACM 13th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2012)

Halpern, D. & Katz, J.E. (2012).  From e-government to social network government: Towards a transition model. In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Web Science Conference (Websci’12).

Halpern, D. & Katz, J. (2012). Unveiling Robotophobia and Cyber-dystopianism: The role of gender, technology and religion on attitudes towards robots. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI’12).

Valenzuela, S., Arriagada, A., & Scherman, A. (2012). The social media basis of youth protest behavior: The case of Chile. Journal of Communication, 62, 299-314. [ISI journal]

Valenzuela, S., Kim, Y., & Gil de Zúñiga, H. (2012). Social networks that matter: Exploring the role of political discussion for online political participation. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 24, 163-184. [ISI journal]

Gil de Zúñiga, H., Correa, T., & Valenzuela, S. (2012). Selective exposure to cable news and immigration in the U.S.: The relationship between FOX News, CNN and attitudes toward Mexican immigrants. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 56, 597-615. [ISI journal]

Gil de Zúñiga, H., Jung, N., & Valenzuela, S. (2012). Social media use for news and individuals’ social capital, civic engagement and political participation. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 17, 319-336. [ISI journal]

Scherman, A., Arriagada, A., & Valenzuela, S. (2012). ¿Hacia una nueva ciudadanía multifuncional? Uso de medios digitales, redes sociales online y participación política [Towards a new, multitasking citizenship? Digital media use, online social networks, and political participation]. Revista Latinoamericana de Opinión Pública, 2, 157-189. [Scopus]